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Szukasz: Robert St��powski

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    okładka The Master of Ballantrae, Ebook | Robert Louis Stevenson

    A tale of fierce internecine feud that destroyed Lord Henry Darrissdire and his older brother James, also called the ruler of Ballantre. The story of their deaths is described by a devoted servant of the clan – old Ephraim McKellar. The novel tells how easy it is to lose honor and how difficult it is to preserve what is dear to you when money and power are at stake...

    okładka Island Nights’ Entertainments, Ebook | Robert Louis Stevenson

    The famous novel by Robert Louis Stevenson tells about the exciting and dangerous adventures of young Jim and his older comrades who set off in search of a pirate treasure. Jim had to face such serious tests that an adult could not stand. But the courage, nobility, honesty and kindness of this wonderful boy helped him cope with all the difficulties!

    okładka St. Ives, Ebook | Robert Louis Stevenson, Arthur Quiller-Couch

    The novel, which remained unfinished, was restored from the author’s drafts. The fascinating story of the French youth, who during the Napoleonic Wars was one of the many British prisoners of war. The story of his dangerous and fascinating adventures and a difficult, multifaceted political game in which he unexpectedly found himself drawn into. The book you are reading, literally holding your breath...

    okładka The Black Arrow, Ebook | Robert Louis Stevenson

    Readers are invited to one of the writer’s best novels, The Black Arrow. The exciting adventures of his heroes take place in the heroic times of the war of the Scarlet and White Roses. The brilliantly twisted plot is replete with everything necessary: terrible secrets, courageous love, uncompromising valor and unexpected outcomes have been attracting readers of all ages for many years.The mystery of the gloomy Tanstoll forest and deadly black arrows can captivate even the m...

    okładka Fables, Ebook | Robert Louis Stevenson

    These are fables – in many there is morality, others clearly contain moralizing. However, fables are not only literary interest. This is a beautiful, filigree prose. The author defined the fable genre very broadly – as a combination of elements of a story about dreams with a moralizing allegory.

    okładka Catriona, Ebook | Robert Louis Stevenson

    Young people find each other. They learn to love. And again, Alan Breck helps them. Moreover, the case turned out to be rather complicated. Katrion’s father is involved in a strange story, the consequences of which can turn against friends. The narrative is quite interesting, intriguing. Will David be happy with Catriona?

    okładka The Wrong Box, Ebook | Robert Louis Stevenson, Lloyd Osbourne

    Adventure awaits the heroes of the story „Absolute Baggage” too, but of a completely different kind – rather funny than dangerous. The book has a certain charm, which cannot but rejoice. After all, she was read thanks to this rather vividly and with great interest. In the preface and annotation, however, it is said that the novel is full of humor. In principle, this is so, but the humor is quite specific.

    okładka The Wrecker, Ebook | Robert Louis Stevenson, Lloyd Osbourne

    Conspiracy, murder, smuggling, gold and a raging, merciless sea. All this is an exciting novel by the famous English writer R. L. Stevenson „The Wrecker”. Two friends, Dodd and Pinkerton, decide to buy a stranded ship at auction, but its price suddenly increases by 500 times. What is hidden behind this?

    okładka The Ebb-Tide, Ebook | Robert Louis Stevenson, Lloyd Osbourne

    South Seas, Pacific Islands. Fate throws in Tahiti several people from those who are commonly called the „"white trash."” Different in character and origin, they are united by one thing – they are people who are finished for society. But Fate gives them another chance to return to normal.

    okładka The Stoat, Ebook | Lynn Brock

    We meet a man named Margesson, who suffers from a mentally ill wife and two harmful children. Unfortunately, Margesson will soon not only die, but also his offspring. Traveling to Ireland – the author was Irish – plays a decisive role in understanding the strange sequence of events that are deeply rooted in the past. The darkness of Brock’s books is more fashionable these days than when they were written, but his sometimes dense, sometimes elliptical style confronts him....

    okładka The Strength of the Strong, Ebook | Jack London

    The book tells about the Neanderthal tribe: life, hunting, customs, their relationship. The life of ancient people is difficult and full of hardships, but they are happy. Their happiness is in unity. There is a clash with others. Neanderthals are at a lower stage of development, but they recognize themselves as people: they have a language, they care for the elderly and children, maintain fire, bury the dead... But the principle of Others – The strongest survives; Kill befo...

    okładka When God Laughs and Other Stories, Ebook | Jack London

    A very wise story from the cycle about love. An inexhaustible topic, do not talk about it. No one has yet managed to beat the gods. Although Karkines met people who almost succeeded: Marvin Fisk and Ethel Baird. But the punishment of the gods overtook them at the end.

    okładka The Faith of Men and Other Stories, Ebook | Jack London

    This is a situation when a person is faced with the inevitability of a terrible painful death. A choice arises before him, which is worse: to accept a painful end, clinging to life until the last breath, or to die voluntarily. This story is not about man’s courage, but about his weakness for money, his passion for profit. And such a passion destroys man in man. And then there is nothing left but money. Money money money... there is nothing in the head but them.

    okładka The God of His Fathers and Other Stories, Ebook | Jack London

    A white man bought an Indian woman as a wife. Bought without any romantic feelings, bought for help. The girl did her job: cooked, fed dogs, paved the way for teams. And the point is not in servile worship of the master, but in the fact that she saw in her husband an honest and courageous man trying to save other people from hunger and cold. They hoped for him, and she, at the cost of her life, helped her husband keep her word.

    okładka The Star Rover, Ebook | Jack London

    Sentenced to execution a prisoner of solitary confinement travels in time, according to his past incarnations on Earth. From the primeval world to the nearest history. And we participate with him in certain events, experience ups and downs, love earthly and unearthly love, enjoy and experience humiliation, approaching the One Man whom the author tried to introduce to us.

    okładka Love of Life and Other Stories, Ebook | Jack London

    Love of life is not only the name of the story, but also the main quality of one of the characters. Such an acute, almost tangible desire took possession of man that he, exhausted by hunger, cold, chills, illness, dislocation, hallucinations and other troubles that can await a lonely generational man in the forest. He survived the battle with a bear, with a wolf, with his mind and body, persuading him to rise again, persuading him to survive. The story is small in volume, w...

    okładka Moon-Face and Other Stories, Ebook | Jack London

    An amazing story about human hatred, an obsession with revenge. The action takes place in a circus, a young man, a fearless lion tamer, sticking his head in the jaws of the lions „laid eyes” on the wife of the juggler and sword-swallower. The heroes of the stories of London are simple, courageous people, ready to fight difficulties, boldly looking into the eyes of danger. All of them are united by a thirst for action, a desire to take an active part in current events....

    okładka Softfoot of Silver Creek, Ebook | Robert Leighton

    Over the laughter of a nearby waterfall, over a long roar the distant herds of bison that crowded the prairie, and over the oily creak of his knife on a sharp stone on his knee, his keen ear knew the sound of her light stepped as she crawled out of the pines into a sunny glade on a bluff. He didn’t turn around, he only dropped the stone, threw back the thick locks that retreated, his long black hair, and then, with his thumb, meditatively checked the razor blade his blade S...

    okładka Sergeant Silk, Ebook | Robert Leighton

    As long as the lone red-coated equestrian policemen of the Northwest, tracking cattle thieves across uninhabited prairies and fighting hordes of warriors, have something to do with the boy approaching his teens, Mr. Leighton’s frank tales will be in demand. Wolves, carbines, bags of gold and logging run through its pages, and Sergeant Silk meets them all – a combination of Sir Robert Baden-Powell and Sherlock Holmes in a red military jacket.

    okładka Three Ghost Stories, Ebook | Charles Dickens

    As a gifted writer with a strong interest in supernatural phenomena, Charles Dickens produced a string of ghost stories with enduring charm. While the three ghosts that visited Ebenezer Scrooge was Charles Dickens’ most famous apparitions, his interest in the supernatural did not end there. „Three Ghost Stories” includes three different stories that are true Gothic classics and were sensational for their time and continue to hold up well, thanks to Charles Dickens’ superb s...

    okładka George i Wielki Wybuch, Ebook | Stephen Hawking, Lucy Hawking

    Kosmiczny rollercoaster George’a i Annie to gwarancja niezapomnianej zabawy! Już lada chwila ma się rozpocząć jeden z największych eksperymentów naukowych wszech czasów, a George i Annie mają miejsca w pierwszym rzędzie! Eric, tata Annie, udaje się do Wielkiego Zderzacza Hadronów, by zbadać początki istnienia Wszechświata - Wielki Wybuch. Jest przekonany, że dzięki superkomputerowi Kosmosowi nic nie może pójść źle… do czasu gdy George i Annie nie odkrywają spisku, który ...

    okładka Selfie ze stolemem, Ebook | Krzysztof Kochański

    W Kaszubskim Lesie żyją stolemy – znane z legend istoty większe od ludzi. Jednym z nich jest Stolko, który mieszka z rodziną w jaskini. Pewnego dnia postanawia bez zgody rodziców zrobić sobie wycieczkę do lasu, gdzie spotyka… małą dziewczynkę. Rezolutna Zosia ucieka przed zbirami, którzy porwali ją i szukają w lesie skarbów. Stolko postanawia jej pomóc, lecz wkrótce razem wpadają w tarapaty. Czy wyjdą z nich cało? Czy ludzie są tacy straszni, jak słyszał Stolko? I czy stole...

    okładka Psychopaci, Ebook | Stephen Seager

    Zabiłem moich najbliższych przyjaciół – rzekł wolno. – Jaki człowiek robi coś takiego? Wysunąłem się zza stołu. Taki, który jest chory – odparłem, podchodząc do drzwi. – Dlatego jesteś tu, a nie w więzieniu. Kiedy psychiatra Stephen Seager rozpoczął pracę w kalifornijskim szpitalu psychiatrycznym Gorman State, nazywanym powszechnie Gomorą, pracował w niejednej tego typu placówce. Jednak do tego, co zobaczył, przeżył i z kim miał do czynienia w...

    okładka Sto imion, Ebook | Cecelia Ahern

    Najnowsza powieść autorki, której książki do tej pory wydano w 46 krajach, w łącznym nakładzie ponad 15 milionów egzemplarzy.Po tym, jak Kitty Logan niesłusznie oskarżyła w programie telewizyjnym niewinnego człowieka, jej kariera dziennikarska wali się w gruzy. Jedyną osobą, która wciąż w nią wierzy, jest jej mentorka, szefowa i zarazem przyjaciółka Constance Dubois. Niestety, Constance ma zaawansowanego raka. Kitty podziwia ją i szanuje najbardziej na świecie, ale ma wi...

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