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    okładka Oblany test, Książka | Michael Hjorth, Hans Rosenfeldt

    Piąta książka z popularnej serii o Sebastianie Bergmanie. Tym razem Sebastian i jego koledzy z Krajowej Policji Kryminalnej będą musieli rozwiązać skomplikowany przypadek seryjnego mordercy. Zwłoki celebryty z telewizyjnego reality show zostają odnalezione w opuszczonej szkole. Mężczyzna siedzi przywiązany do szkolnej ławki ze wzrokiem skierowanym w róg sali. Do głowy przyczepione ma ośle uszy, a do pleców przytwierdzone zszywaczem znaki zapytania. Zgninął od kuli. Szybko po...

    okładka "Profesor to nie obelga". Alfabet Bronisława Geremka, Ebook | Jacek Rozenek

    W hasłach tej swoistej „Encyklopedii Bronisława Geremka” można odnaleźć nie tylko spostrzeżenia autora dotyczące życia uczonego, aktywnego działacza politycznego, patrioty, ciężko doświadczanego czasami, w których przyszło mu żyć, lecz również bogaty materiał skłaniający do refleksji i dalszych rozważań nad własnym życiem. Ten zbiór przemyśleń, obserwacji, sądów stanowi potwierdzenie formuły zawartej w tytule Alfabetu: „Profesor to nie obelga". W przypadku Bronisława Geremka ...

    okładka Podróż do Grecji, Ebook | Pippa Roscoe

    Summer Soames poszukuje w rodzinnej posiadłości skrytki, w której prababka ukryła klejnoty. Przy okazji natrafia na list z informacją, kto jest jej ojcem. Poruszona, jedzie do Grecji, by go odnaleźć. Poznaje szefa ochrony ojca, urzekająco przystojnego Therona Thiakosa, i spędza z nim namiętną noc. Liczy na jego pomoc, lecz Theron nie wierzy Summer. Uznaje ją za oszustkę i każe wyjechać. Summer wraca do Anglii – wciąż nie ma klejnotów, nie dotarła do ojca, ale za to będzie mia...

    okładka Autoimmunologiczne choroby narządu wzroku, Ebook | Bożena Romanowska-Dixon, Agnieszka Kubicka-Trząska

    Nasza publikacja adresowana jest do specjalizujących się i praktykujących okulistów, a także do lekarzy innych specjalności, zajmujących się w swojej codziennej praktyce zagadnieniami immunologii klinicznej. W opracowaniu zostały omówione najbardziej aktualne poglądy na temat patofizjologii i patomechanizmów autoimmunologicznych schorzeń narządu wzroku, metody ich diagnozowania oraz leczenia. W publikacji zost...

    okładka The Reckoning, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    It is historical fiction set during the Revolutionary War in northern New England. The protagonist has been a spy in New York for a long time and then uses his intimate knowledge of Native American Indians to aid the war effort during the latter part of the war.

    okładka The Slayer of Souls, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    This is a story of political intrigue in which brave US government agents team up with a squad of young ladies with psychic powers to fight the Bolsheviks. This conspiracy was set up to overthrow the Western world.

    okładka The Streets of Ascalon, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    With the exception of Westgard, all other employees began migrating to the monthly conference, returning one by one from the mysterious financial jungle, popularly known as „Downtown”. This is a fascinating story that will keep you in suspense until the very end.

    okładka The Tracer of Lost Persons, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    This story is about love, about love for many people. The main character was thirty-three years old, it was pleasant to look at him, he was very developed. Mr. Keynes is a detective with an uncanny knack for solving strange disappearances.

    okładka The Younger Set, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    This is one of Chambers’ most popular novels. It has been translated into several other languages around the world. The story begins with who Selwyn is. Lots of questions, lots of mysteries. But that just makes it more interesting to read.

    okładka Who Goes There!, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    This story is about the Crown Prince. Most of the world is against him and what he stands for. He expresses surprise at the position of the United States. This attitude is the natural result of various causes, among which are the following: Distrust of any aggressor on the part of a peace-minded nation.

    okładka The Fighting Chance, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    A very enjoyable novel that touches on topics that are relevant to this day. Rich people come together to start mysterious murders. This story will keep you in suspense until the very end.

    okładka The Firing Line, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    Charming, beautifully written. Fascinating in detail pre-war Florida (and also the East Coast) high society with its fashions and mores.

    okładka The Flaming Jewel, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    It’s an action-packed story set deep in an American forest shortly after World War I. There are international jewel thieves, rum dealers, gruesome deaths, a couple of sweet romances, betrayal, hidden identities, and multiple plot twists.

    okładka The Gay Rebellion, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    This book is not a flowing novel, but rather a collection of experiences. Young men with good looks and health are kidnapped and married to young women from the eugenics suffragette movement to breed a „perfect” race of beautiful and intelligent people.

    okładka The Green Mouse, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    The protagonist Destin is a poor gentleman who meets his soul mate and together they create Green Mouse Lmtd to further his search for a soul mate through psychic waves.

    okładka The Hidden Children, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    The author reveals many of the smallest details about the life of revolutionary volunteers, the land, the hardships of camp life, numerous tribes of indigenous aborigines and their relationship with each other and with whites. The West is a relative place in relation to time.

    okładka The King in Yellow, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    The heroes learn about the fictional city of Karkos, where the King in yellow rules, and two suns shine in the sky, and this circumstance becomes the beginning of mystical changes in their destinies. Strange and terrible events in which reality and dreams are intertwined are illustrated by the outstanding Argentine artist Santiago Caruso.

    okładka The Little Red Foot, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    This is an adventure thriller about independence. The protagonist fights for the freedom of the United States, as well as for the love of his life. If you are a fan of the historical adventure novel, then this book is for you.

    okładka The Maid-at-Arms, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    This is an outstanding book written in the old style. The story is set between the middle and the end of the Revolutionary War and has a good mix of adventure, romance and complex characters with a bit of history thrown in for good measure.

    okładka The Maids of Paradise, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    Those who think they recognize the Comtesse de Vassart are undoubtedly mistaken. Mornak, long dead, is safe in his disguise. No trains with treasures were actually sent from the arsenal in Brest to the port of Lorient.

    okładka The Maker of Moons and Other Short Stories, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    Ain is a place where the great River flows under a thousand bridges, the gardens are full of fragrant flowers, and the air is filled with the melody of silver bells. This is the place where the Moon Elder rules. The lunar elder has the right to give whatever he wants, equally he can take away whatever he sees fit. He is the creator of terrible monsters from hundreds of thousands of different bodies.

    okładka The Moonlit Way, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    Youth and life and happiness on the lunar path, and yet the path is not always silver for two glorious heroines. Nikhla Quellen, a dancer and beauty, is constantly entangled in a web of intrigue against which spies and secret service agents are plotting. Little Dulcie Soan finds herself in a whirlpool of excitement more than once.

    okładka The Mystery of Choice, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    This is an excellent collection of horror stories that remind of the dark side of nature and what it hides. The author can impress his readers not only with prose, but also with the atmosphere. This is a story about the murder of a butterfly collector and the haunting spirit of a renegade priest.

    okładka The Common Law, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    This book is one of the most popular novels by Robert William Chambers and has been translated into several other languages around the world. A casual conversation with a model for his new project forces him to test his theories about creativity, society, and love, and he discovers that other people have their own ideas about how it should all work.

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