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    okładka Michael’s Evil Deeds, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    ’Michael’s Evil Deeds’ (and they are very evil at times) is a rather ingenious crime novel in more ways than one. Firstly the 11 chapters each represent a separate incident but overall they do link together, if on occasions somewhat loosely. And secondly the tale is told by various of the protagonists so there is often a different point of view within each chapter.

    okładka General Besserley’s Puzzle Box, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    General, his companion pronounced, „you are getting fat. Too many cocktails.” General Besserley, late of the Secret Service at Washington and now a very popular member of Monaco society, glanced downwards at his slightly increasing outline. He was rather a fine figure of a man and his carriage was beyond reproach, but it was certainly true that there was sometimes a little difficulty about the two bottom buttons of his waistcoat.

    okładka Envoy Extraordinary, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    Ronald, Count Matsertser, was a world traveler and amateur. After several years of travel, he returns to his Norfolian estates, which deals with hunting, research and espionage in Africa and Asia. His treasures are huge, but his heart is empty. One night, a mysterious mercenary attacks him directly behind the gate of his estate.

    okładka Enoch Strone, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    Upward in long sinuous bends the road wound its way into the heart of the hills. The man, steadily climbing to the summit, changed hands upon the bicycle he was pushing, and wiped the sweat from his grimy forehead. It had been a gray morning when he had left, with no promise of this burst of streaming sunshine. Yet the steep hill troubled him but little--he stepped blithely forward with little sign of fatigue.

    okładka General Besserley’s Second Puzzle Box, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    General Besserley sat before his writing-table, drawn close up to the wide-flung windows of his summer-house, his pen clasped in his idle fingers, his eyes wandering though a tangle of drooping roses and clematis beyond the gardens below to where a car was crawling up the mountain road. He leaned a little sideways and touched a bell. In a few moments a white-coated butler opened the door and approached the table.

    okładka The Closed Book, Ebook | William Le Queux

    These strange facts would never have been placed on record, nor would this exciting chapter of an eventful life have been written, except for two reasons: first, because the discovery I made has been declared to be of considerable importance to scientists, bibliophiles, and the world at large; and, secondly, because it is my dear wife’s wish that in order to clear her in the eyes of both friends and foes nothing should be concealed, misrepresented, or withheld.

    okładka The Great War in England in 1897, Ebook | William Le Queux

    Though it was a gay comic opera that was being performed for the first time, entertainers and entertained lost all interest in each other. They were amazed, dismayed, awestricken. Amusement was nauseating; War, with all its attendant horrors, was actually upon them! The popular tenor, one of the idols of the hour, blundered over his lines and sang terribly out of tune, but the hypercritical first-night audience passed the defect unnoticed. They only thought of what might ha...

    okładka The Bond of Black, Ebook | William Le Queux

    In this story I have dealt with an extraordinary phase of modern life in London, which to the majority will come as a startling revelation. Some will, perhaps, declare that no such amazing state of things exists in this, the most enlightened age the world has known. To such, I can only assert that in this decadent civilisation of ours the things which I have described actually take place in secret, as certain facts in my possession indisputably show.

    okładka The Bomb-Makers, Ebook | William Le Queux

    Being some Curious Records concerning the Craft and Cunning of Theodore Drost, an enemy alien in London, together with certain Revelations regarding his daughter Ella The pair had been discussing certain schemes to the detriment of the English: schemes which, in the main, depended upon the crafty old Drost’s expert knowledge of high-explosives.

    okładka Guilty Bonds, Ebook | William Le Queux

    Frank Burgoyne, newly rich through inheritance, falls madly and improbably in love with a beautiful but mysterious Russian and becomes unwittingly and unknowingly embroiled in an international plot punctuated by a series of murders. Burgoyne suffers several bewildering experiences, including incarcerations in Russia and England, and he is constantly questioning his love’s motivations and fealty.

    okładka If Sinners Entice Thee, Ebook | William Le Queux

    Then it’s an entire mystery? „Yes, Phrida.” „But it’s astounding! It really seems so utterly impossible,” declared my well-beloved, amazed at what I had just related. „I’ve simply stated hard facts.” „But there’s been nothing about this affair in the papers.” „For certain reasons the authorities are not exactly anxious for any publicity. It is a very puzzling problem, and they do not care to own themselves baffled,” I replied.

    okładka The Books of Bart, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    Best remembered for penning the screenplay for the classic film „King Kong”, author Edgar Wallace was an astoundingly popular luminary in the action-adventure genre in the early twentieth century. Born into poverty as an illegitimate London child, joining the army at 21, he was a war correspondent during the Second Boer War for Reuters and The Daily Mail. This early work by Edgar Wallace was originally published in 1923. „The Books of Bart” is a novel of relationships and d...

    okładka The Book of all Power, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    A really top-notch literary thriller from Edgar Wallace. The story is set in Russia and England around the time of WW1. We follow a 22-year-old man on his first assignment for a Russian-English oil company as he becomes embroiled in intrigue and romance involving a beautiful Grand Duchess, American mobster Cherry Bim, and the influential Israel Kensky and his magical book of „all power”. It is through Hay’s eyes that we see the steady erosion of the existing Russian aristoc...

    okładka More Educated Evans, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    The further escapades of the incorrigible Evans, Edgar Wallace’s? cockney hero of the Turf feature in these twelve tales. The Educated Evans stories combine Wallace’s talent for humor with his hallmark detective story themes. His story of Evans is full of amusing incidents of love and adventure set amidst the bustle and excitement of the racecourse. There are bets, bookmakers, horses, tip-offs, winners, journalists and women. There is banter, humor and much fun to be had al...

    okładka Lieutenant Bones, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    Wallace was a prolific author responsible for several series of popular novels featuring bold adventurers and crime fighters. For his series set in the highly evocative world of West Africa he created two of his most beloved and enduring characters, Colonial Administrator Sanders and his eccentric companion Lieutenant Tibbetts, known to all as „Bones”. However, yet again, the trouble-prone Bones, while meaning to assist, only manages to spread his own unique style of innoce...

    okładka Operacja Dexter, Ebook | Bożena Kraczkowska

    Pewnego wieczora dziewięcioletni Antoś znajduje pod śmietnikiem malutkiego, zmarzniętego na kość pieska i zabiera go ze sobą do domu. Rodzice początkowo nie są zachwyceni pomysłem zatrzymania szczeniaka, jednak Marcelka – bo okazuje się, że to suczka – szybko zaskarbia sobie miłość domowników i staje się nieodłączną częścią rodziny. Charcica dostaje do spania ciepłą poduszkę, uczy się nowych rzeczy, a podczas spacerów poznaje inne psy z sąsiedztwa – amstaffa Dextera, wi...

    okładka Zabijcie wszystkich, Bóg swoich rozpozna, Ebook | Violetta Domagała

    Przełom XII i XIII wieku, Europa Zachodnia. Eleonora Akwitańska, najpotężniejsza kobieta ówczesnej Europy, udaje się w podróż do Kastylii, by wskazać przyszłą królową Francji. Podjęta przez nią decyzja szokuje wszystkich i na zawsze zmieni dzieje starego kontynentu. Tymczasem w Langwedocji coraz większa część możnowładców, drwiąc z kościelnych kar, zaczyna jawnie wspierać katarską społeczność. Katarzy, od zawsze będący antagonistami wobec opływających bogactwem katolick...

    okładka Umysł bez granic, Ebook | Boaler Jo

    Jo Boaler, profesor Uniwersytetu Stanforda i uznana pedagog matematyki, przez wiele lat badała wpływ ludzkich przekonań i uprzedzeń na edukację. W swojej rewolucyjnej książce przedstawia sześć zasad pozwalających odblokować nasz potencjał uczenia się.Panuje powszechne przekonanie, że od chwili, gdy jako dzieci rozpoczynamy naukę, nasze zdeterminowane przez genetykę mózgi przyswajają pewne rzeczy lepiej, a inne gorzej lub wcale. Zazwyczaj akceptujemy opinie o swoich umiejętnoś...

    okładka Diagnostyka laboratoryjna, Ebook | Bogdan Solnica

    Diagnostyka laboratoryjna, dzięki dynamicznemu rozwojowi w ciągu ostatnich lat, stanowi istotny element postępowania diagnostycznego. Dzięki efektywnej współpracy klinicystów i diagnostów laboratoryjnych, łączy zarówno elementy podstawowe, jak i kliniczne nauk medycznych. Autorzy podręcznika, doświadczeni klinicyści i eksperci medycyny laboratoryjnej, w sposób syntetyczny przedstawili zasady diagnostyki najczęściej występujących chorób, ze szczególnym uwzględn...

    okładka Eve’s Island, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    Edgar Wallace was one of the most popular and prolific authors of his era. This novel is framed as several witness’ accounts to a fictious journalist and starts as an entertaining adventure yarn with even some pirate episodes, but the story looses steam at the half-way point when it turns into a very predictable society novel. Wallace follows his passions for horse-racing and adventure, and the title character in all his generosity and extravagance is clearly autobiographic...

    okładka Educated Evans, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    „Educated Evans” is the first novel in the ’Evans’ series. These stories combine Wallace’s talent for humor with his hallmark detective story themes. The eponymous principal character is a London racing tipster. Garrulous and delightfully ignorant of most of the subjects about which he professes to have knowledge, Evans provides the comic foil for the towering figure of „The Miller”, a formidable police detective named for his perpetual habit of chewing upon a length of str...

    okładka Good Evans, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    One of the most prolific writers of the twentieth century, Edgar Wallace was an immensely popular author. The Educated Evans stories combine Wallace’s talent for humor with his hallmark detective story themes. His story of Evans is full of amusing incidents of love and adventure set amidst the bustle and excitement of the racecourse. This continues the life of Evans, Edgar Wallace’s? cockney tipster and „"the wizard of Camden Town"”. Follow the loves, predictions and calami...

    okładka Circumstantial Evidence, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was an English crime writer, journalist, novelist, screenwriter, and playwright, who wrote 175 novels, 24 plays, and numerous articles in newspapers and journals. One of the most prolific writers of the twentieth century, Edgar Wallace was an immensely popular author, who created exciting thrillers spiced with tales of treacherous crooks and hard-boiled detectives. He was known for the „The Four Just Men”, the „Ringer”, and for crea...

    okładka Bosambo of the River, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    Many years ago the Monrovian Government sent one Bosambo, a native of the Kroo coast and consequently a thief, to penal servitude for the term of his natural life. Bosambo, who had other views on the matter, was given an axe and a saw in the penal settlement and told to cut down and trim certain mahogany trees in company with other unfortunate men similarly circumstanced. Those who love classic adventure especially set against an African backdrop will discover a rich vein o...

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