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    okładka Harmonia zbrodni, Ebook | Aleksandra Marinina

    Arcydzieło carycy rosyjskiego kryminału!W eksplozji samochodu ginie właścicielka biura podróży, Elena Dudariewa. W toku śledztwa udaje się dotrzeć do dziewiętnastoletniego chłopaka, który tuż przed wybuchem rozmawiał z jej zabójcą.Artiom nie może jednak opisać wyglądu mordercy. Cierpi na nieuleczalną chorobę oczu i niemal nic nie widzi. Potrafi za to rozpoznać jego głos i muzykę, której słuchał zamachowiec. Kamieńska staje przed dylematem i zostaje zmuszona do podjęcia trudne...

    okładka Intruz, Ebook | Marek Stelar

    Dwaj bracia po dwóch stronach barykady. Brat przeciw bratu. Zamknięty w sobie cichy urzędnik kontra funkcjonariusz ABW, który zdradził. Gdzieś wysoko w strukturach władzy jest „kret”, którego działania mogą pozbawić państwo polskie potencjalnej przewagi i światowego prymatu na jednym z niewielu pól, na którym jest to jeszcze możliwe – produkcji grafenu, materiału przyszłości. Co wspólnego miała tajemnicza, choć z pozoru naturalna śmierć ojca braci ćwierć wieku wcześnie...

    okładka David Copperfield z angielskim. Zestaw 3 ebooków, Ebook | Marta Owczarek, Charles Dickens, Arthur Conan Doyle

    Zestaw zawiera 3 ebooki: - „David Copperfield” Charles Dickens (wydanie dwujęzyczne polsko-angielskie).- „Z przygód Sherlocka Holmesa. Tłumacz grecki” Arthur Conan Doyle (wydanie dwujęzyczne polsko-angielskie). - podręcznik z ćwiczeniami: „Nauka języka angielskiego z książką dwujęzyczną” Marta Owczarek. 3-pak jest idealnym rozwiązaniem dla osób uwielbiających spędzać czas z książką. Może stać się także nietuzinkowym sposobem nauki języka obcego. Pakiet ebooków ...

    okładka The Mark of Cain, Ebook | Carolyn Wells

    In this edge-of-your-seat thriller, renowned mystery writer Carolyn Wells strays from the enclaves of the well-to-do that usually serve as the settings for her novels and introduces elements of gritty street life. When the body of Rowland Trowbridge, a successful businessman, is found in a remote corner of Van Cortlandt Park, it initially appeared to be a robbery gone wrong. The dead man’s last words were „Cain killed me”, which leads investigators to the victim’s nephew Ka...

    okładka Marjorie in Command, Ebook | Carolyn Wells

    Carolyn Wells (1862-1942) was an American poet and writer of detective and mystery novels, as well as children’s books, best known for her Fleming Stone Detective Stories. Marjorie series is Carolyn Wells’s also known series was publicized as happy books for happy girls. The series includes „Marjorie’s Vacation”, „Marjorie’s Busy Days”, „Marjorie’s New Friend”, „Marjorie in Command”, „Marjorie’s Maytime”, and „Marjorie at Seacote”. Marjorie is a happy American little girl o...

    okładka The House in Dormer Forest, Ebook | Mary Webb

    In this dense novel, the house in which the Darke family exists apparently has its own impassive but claustrophobic influence on the family, which, in turn, tied itself up too quickly in its network of special hate agreements and connections. Jasper fights against his religion, Ruby is trapped between her need for conventions and her own desires, and Peter is forced to rebel.

    okładka Seven For A Secret, Ebook | Mary Webb

    ”Seven For A Secret” is the story of a young girl who turns into a compassionate, passionate, loving woman, who is visible through the eyes of a shepherd poet who loves her. Gillian is nineteen when the romance opens, and she is a romantic star who wants to flirt with men to fall in love with her. Gillian, in many ways, still behaves like a child, and she is selfish, narcissistic, and stupid with others in her life. A kind and simple shepherd named Robert, working with her ...

    okładka Objawienia o Męce Pańskiej, Ebook | od Jezusa z Agredy Maria

    Objawienia o Męce Pańskiej to po raz pierwszy przetłumaczone na język polski wizje hiszpańskiej mistyczki i wizjonerki Marii od Jezusa z Ágredy. Objawienia te są częścią niezwykle obszernego, obejmującego kilka grubych tomów dzieła Mistyczne Miasto Boga, do tej pory znanego polskiemu czytelnikowi jedynie z króciutkich wybranych fragmentów.Dzieło składa się z dwóch przeplatających się ze sobą części. Jedna z nich to opis wydarzeń związanych z męką Chrystusa, tak jak widzi...

    okładka Na fałszywych papierach w Chile, Ebook | Gabriel Garcia Marquez

    Reportaż, skondensowana opowieść o mrówczej pracy chilijskiego reżysera, figurującego na liście pięciu tysięcy wygnańców pozbawionych prawa powrotu do własnego kraju, który w warunkach całkowitej konspiracji przebywał przez sześć tygodni w Chile i rejestrował tamtejszą rzeczywistość po dwunastu latach rządów wojskowej dyktatury. Ten porywający reportaż, bogaty w obserwacje, obrazy, zdarzenia, okraszony niekiedy wisielczym poczuciem humoru, stanowi najwybitniejsze...

    okładka W mojej krwi, Ebook | Marek Szydlak

    Szesnastoletni Bartek od dawna czuł, że jest inny niż jego rówieśnicy. W końcu przychodzi dzień, w którym uświadamia sobie, że przyczyną tej inności jest jego orientacja seksualna. Spodziewa się, że ani rodzina, ani koledzy nie zaakceptują tego, kim jest. Nie w wiosce, gdzie przecież wszyscy są „normalni”. Wie też, że niełatwo mu będzie znaleźć prawdziwą miłość, o której skrycie marzy. Czy warto jej poszukać na portalu randkowym dla gejów? A może lepiej zdać się na szczęśliwe...

    okładka The Blind Man’s House, Ebook | Hugh Walpole

    The House of the Blind is Walpole’s last book before his death. This is a psychological study of the village and people who come in contact with a blind person and his young bride. The letter is impeccable. If you enjoy in-depth character study and enjoy reading old novels, then you will really enjoy it.

    okładka Maradick at Forty, Ebook | Hugh Walpole

    This is a novel with catchy locations and characters. A man in a midlife crisis travels to a remote Kornish village with his wife. The strange happy village, where drunkenness is widespread and people are very open, begins to influence the actions of visitors – up to a change in their character. The very strangeness of history guarantees that it will remain in memory for a long time.

    okładka Master of the World, Ebook | Jules Verne

    In the first part of the story, the brave inventor Robur sets off on a world tour on a giant helicopter „Albatross” in order to prove the superiority of aircraft heavier than air over balloons. The work has an intrigue that unfolds in a rather interesting way, as well as a very unpredictable ending. This is in the style of Verne – when the heroes of one work can easily appear in another, remember the same Mysterious Island. There is a similar picture.

    okładka The Mysterious Stranger and Other Stories, Ebook | Mark Twain

    „Mysterious Stranger” – a mixture of medieval mystical tales and philosophical parables. In an Austrian village, in the ruins of an old castle, there is a medieval printing house. The master, apprentices, henchmen, their families live right there. A small limited world with well-established connections, a familiar way of life, suddenly and terribly changes. And the reason for this is a poor youth who once appeared on the threshold of an old castle. It was he who called hims...

    okładka Those Extraordinary Twins, Ebook | Mark Twain

    Siamese twins – twins Chang and Eng Bunker, who were born with fused bodies. They lived 63 years, had good health, were married, had normal children. In 1829 they were brought to America, then they were taken and shown in Europe. Knowing the twins personally, the author took the liberty of telling about the curious details of their private life, which never penetrated the press.

    okładka Tom Sawyer, Detective, Ebook | Mark Twain

    It’s an exciting adventures of Tom Sawyer and his friend Huckleberry Finn – meeting with a ghost, finding a corpse, etc. Tom unexpectedly became a detective – the boy showed amazing observation and outstanding deduction, which helped not only expose the diamond thief and solve the insidious murder, but also save the innocent man from prison.

    okładka The American Claimant, Ebook | Mark Twain

    Incredible adventures await the young English Earl of Rosmore in the vastness of the distant United States. In search of the „American dream”, he finds his distant relative, the „ingenious” inventor, entrepreneur and ventriloquist – Colonel Melberry Sellers, whose main project was the purchase of Siberia to establish a republic in it. An ambitious young count will face insurmountable difficulties on his way to the goal.

    okładka Roughing It, Ebook | Mark Twain

    The novel „"Roughing It"” is a book of memoirs by Mark Twain about the years of vagrancy in the Far West during the „"silver rush"”. The book begins with Mark Twain embarking on a journey to the West with his brother, Orion Clemens, who received the post of Secretary of the Nevada Territory. Further, the author tells about the subsequent events of his own life.

    okładka Captain Stormfield’s Visit to Heaven, Ebook | Mark Twain

    The old godless captain Stormfield believed neither in God, nor in hell, nor in paradise, nor in hell. Imagine his surprise when, after his death, flying through the bottomless depths of space, he nevertheless arrived in paradise. He was even more surprised when he became acquainted with the local order – it was too painfully different from the stories about the paradise of priests on Earth...

    okładka The Gilded Age, Ebook | Mark Twain, Charles Dudley Warner

    The book reflects the state of 19th-century society in the United States – votes in the Senate and Congress are bought and sold, all this is carefully hidden and masked. The curse of the „Tennessee” land, which could but did not enrich the young people who are the heirs of this land, is largely activated by the heirs themselves – typical Americans of that time, who want to quickly make a fortune.

    okładka Master and Man, Ebook | Leo Tolstoy

    „"Master and Man"” is the story of L. N. Tolstoy about two people caught in a terrible snowstorm. The owner throws his worker to save his life, but he himself cannot get out... Faced with death, he rethinks his life. The merchant achieved a lot. Vasily Andreevich Brekhunov: opened a shop, two taverns, a mill, several estates... And all through his tireless passion for accumulating goodness and frugality. Never missed his chance Brekhunov. And now life bodes well: sells a ne...

    okładka The Kingdom of the Sun, Ebook | Alexander Maitland Stephen

    A young man, Richard Anson is a crewman on board Sir Francis Drake’s „Golden Hind”, which is travelling north to the coast of what will one day become British Columbia. „The Kingdom of the Sun: A Romance of the Far West Coast” (1927) is an adventure novel by Alexander Maitland Stephen (May 8, 1882 – July 1, 1942), who was a Canadian author of poetry and fiction. He began writing in the early 1920s. His first book was a volume of poetry called „The Rosary of Pan” which was p...

    okładka The Last Man, Ebook | Mary Shelley

    The novel tells the story of a future world affected by an epidemic. The first part of the novel begins with a story about the youth of Lionel Verney, about his friendship with the radiant prince Adrian, the son of the abdicated king of England, about his love for the sister of Adrian Idris. Verney has a sister to Loss, with whom the proud Lord Raymond is in love. For the sake of marrying her, he refuses the hands of Idris and, for a while, from the post of Lord Protector o...

    okładka The Master of the Shell, Ebook | Talbot Baines Reed

    In this novel, for a change, the protagonist is a master, not students. We see events from the point of view of some boys, but it is new that readers are asked to look at things from the point of view of the teacher. Mark Ralesford is a young gentleman who has just become engaged. He is also ready to start work after graduation and travel around the world. He is accepted as a teacher and home master at a boarding school called Grandcourt, where, coincidentally, one of his s...

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Ebooki to książki, których treść została zapisana w formie elektronicznej. Są nazywane również e-książkami, publikacjami elektronicznymi czy książkami elektronicznymi. Ebooki można odczytywać na komputerach i laptopach, ale są one przeznaczone głównie do czytania na urządzeniach przenośnych takich jak smartfony, tablety i przede wszystkim czytniki książek elektronicznych. Ebooki posiadające swoje pierwowzory w formie papierowej są jej odwzorowaniem. Posiadają wszystkie elementy obecne w „tradycyjnej” wersji, takie jak okładkę, ilustracje, spis treści, przypisy itp.

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