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    okładka Marlow of the Mounted, Ebook | T.C. Bridges

    Keith Marlowe, who had just been trained at the Mounted Police Barracks, Regina, is heading to the country of Kuchin and the Rockies to gather white drug dealers. Keith has a long, painful journey, and many difficulties must be overcome before his mission is successfully completed.

    okładka Luck or Pluck, Ebook | T.C. Bridges

    The long table was filled with guys from Overton’s school, everyone was busy with breakfast and talked from sixteen to a dozen. Only two days remained until the end of the summer semester, and everyone was wildly excited about the idea of returning home for a long eight-week vacation. Bruce, being the captain of the hostel, sat at the head of the table, and Clive next to him so that they could read their letters calmly.

    okładka Driven to Sea, Ebook | T.C. Bridges

    Dick traveled halfway around the world to get to this particular house, and despite his pinkish-white appearance, the boy had a lot of courage. Dick saw a heavy, bloated-looking man, with a fat, flabby face and thick, black hair and eyebrows. His clothes were black, so was his tie; even his finger-nails shared in the general mourning. He looked like a funeral mute off duty.

    okładka Dartmoor Legacy, Ebook | T.C. Bridges

    At the Bar-Tor farm in Dartmoor, owned by young Robert Hamlin. Downstairs, on the red land of Devon, a porcelain clay deposit was found, the value of which, although not fantastic, was large enough to make searchers be interested in the possibilities of buying all the property. Their idea was to get it before Robert Hamlin realized that he had a hidden asset that cost a lot more than all of his agricultural land. But they did not outsmart him.

    okładka A Fight for Fortune, Ebook | T.C. Bridges

    A pair of seventeen-year-old boys leaves the house to make their way to fate in the Far Eastern seas. „It must be my hands that are at fault, then,” replied Clive. „I’ve been trying everywhere for the past three weeks, and can’t get taken on. I came down here to look up Captain Brereton, an old friend of my father’s. He’s skipper and part owner of a tramp steamer, the Sphinx. I hoped to cadge a passage to Australia, where I thought I might find a job.”

    okładka Whiskey Sour, Ebook | Max Brand

    Doctor Kildare approached just in time to hear Meg say to the officer, „"I heard a shot outside my apartment, then a crash. When I ran out, this man was lying on the landing... „” „"Whiskey Sour"” (1938) is a Doctor Kildare story that continues the depiction of a „"gangster"” atmosphere surrounding the young doctor as he cared for East Side streets toughs and local political bosses while defying his hospital superiors. Max Brand (1892-1944) is the best-known pen name of widel...

    okładka Werewolf, Ebook | Max Brand

    You don’t get a much more evocative opening than that for a Western novella called „Werewolf”, and the story lives up to both its title and that opening in ways you won’t expect from Max Brand who did write some fantastic fiction. On that bitter night Chris Royal walks into Yates Saloon to escape the storm where Cliff Main, gun happy brother of killer Harry Main, is looking for trouble over a girl both like. Words are exchanged, and there is the smell of cordite in the air. C...

    okładka Timbal Gulch Trail, Ebook | Max Brand

    Les Burchard owned the local gambling palace, half the town, and most of the surrounding territory, and Walt Devon’s thousand-acre ranch would make him king of the land. The trouble was, Devon didn’t want to sell. In a ruthless bid to claim the spread, Burchard tried everything from poker to murder. But Walt Devon was a betting man by nature, even when the stakes were his life. The way Devon figured, the odds were stacked against him. So he could either die alone... or takes ...

    okładka The White Wolf, Ebook | Max Brand

    If you like classic animal stories you will like this one for sure. Tucker Crosden bred his dogs to be champions. Yet even by frontiersman’s brutal standards, bull terrier White Wolf was special. Tucker had great plans for the dog until it gave in to the blood-hungry laws of nature. He never thought that his prize animal would run at the head of a wolf pack one day and to be a leader among wolves in the San Jacinto Mountains or that a trick of fate would throw them together i...

    okładka The Stranger, Ebook | Max Brand

    Staying alive is worth a thousand dollars a day to Oliver Wilton. That’s what he’s paying Lew Sherry and Pete Long as hired guns to keep him healthy. And after riding the range, the money looks more than just a little inviting. But before Sherry and Long can pocket their first wages, Wilton is murdered. And town men were never so sad to see their boss take a bullet in the brain as Sherry and Long. Soon the pair are riding a vengeance trail – out to catch the low-down killer w...

    okładka The Smiling Desperado, Ebook | Max Brand

    An exciting saga of danger, adventure, and romance on the Western frontier. Bill Lancaster was a dangerous man that no one dared mess with. He was fast with a gun, deadly with his fists, and a bully who never let you forget who was tougher. Young Dan Cadigan however refused to be pushed. Mistaken for a quiet weakling, no one expected him to stand up to Bill Lancaster. Fighting him with his fists he made Lancaster realize that someone was tougher than he was. Desperate he used...

    okładka The Saint, Ebook | Max Brand

    He was smiling continually, with such an air of removal above the concerns of ordinary mortals, with such an upward lifting of the head, that his fellows in the boat had called him, from the first day of labor and thirst, „The Saint.” This novelette filled with excitement, suspense, good guys and bad, and plot twists aplenty! Brand is a masterful story teller, slowly revealing his main characters’ unique idiosyncrasies, strengths and weaknesses that make them both human and a...

    okładka Afghan narcos, Ebook | Marcin Szymański

    „Nie mamy dolarów, ale mamy heroinę, dużo heroiny, której Allah dla nas nie chce. Chcą jej inni, synu, chcą jej tak bardzo, że w zamian za nią zrobią dla nas wszystko. Ameryka ma dolary, Putin – gaz, Arabowie – ropę, my mamy heroinę. To przekleństwo i szansa zarazem” – tymi słowami Bashid Noorzai zaprosił do współpracy jednego z głównych bohaterów książki. Kim był ów starzec nazywany „afgańskim Pablo”? Co połączyło narkotykowe kartele z Hindukuszu z rosyjskimi oligarchami? Od...

    okładka O duchu praw, Ebook | Monteskiusz

    Monteskiusz (1689–1755) był czołowym francuskim myślicielem oświeceniowym i filozofem politycznym. Jego najbardziej znanym dziełem jest "O duchu praw" („De l'esprit des lois"), opublikowane w 1748 roku. To traktat, w którym autor analizuje różne formy rządów i instytucje polityczne. Wskazuje czynniki wpływające na organizację społeczeństw i rządów, a także na wolność jednostki. Monteskiuszowi zawdzięczamy tzw. trójpodział władz - na władzę wykonawczą, ustawodawczą i sądownicz...

    okładka Meksyk 1810-1821, Ebook | Jarosław Wojtczak

    Rankiem w niedzielę 16 września 1810 roku ksiądz Miguel Hidalgo, proboszcz wiejskiej parafii Dolores w pobliżu Guanajuato, leżącej 440 km na północny zachód od miasta Meksyk, zaczął bić w dzwon kościoła, aby zgromadzić ludzi w świątyni wcześniej niż zwykle. Kiedy się zebrali, wszedł na ambonę i wezwał parafian, aby przyłączyli się do powstania przeciwko Hiszpanom i obalenia trzystuletniego ucisku kolonialnego. Wezwanie ojca Hidalgo, znane jako „Okrzyk z Dolores”, zapoczątkowa...

    okładka Szansa Snowballa, Ebook | John Reed

    Kontynuacja Folwarku zwierzęcego Georga Orwella napisana przez Johna Reeda. Historia zaczyna się od śmierci Napoleona. Niepokojące się o swą przyszłość zwierzęta dowiadują się, że wygnany niegdyś Snowball żyje i ma się dobrze. Gotów jest też wrócić na farmę. Wraz z nim pojawia się kapitalizm i indywidualizm. Książka z humorem ukazuje zadziwiające perypetie kolejnych zmian w małej zwierzęcej społeczności, w której pojawiają się i rozwijają nowe idee.