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    okładka King of the Range, Ebook | Max Brand

    Carrick Dunmore seemed to be nothing more than a happy-go-lucky cowboy whose main pastimes were drinking and sleeping. He wasn’t the kind of man who could challenge Jim Tankerton, the outlaw chief whose cruel violence terrorized the countryside. But Dunmore had a few tricks to outwit old Jim... One of many recommended westerns by this prolific author. Frederick Schiller Faust (May 29, 1892 – May 12, 1944) was an American author known primarily for his thoughtful and literar...

    okładka Harrigan!, Ebook | Max Brand

    In „Harrigan”, prolific writer Max Brand takes a detour from the dusty trails of the West where his novels were typically set and spins a gripping nautical tale set in Hawaii and upon the open sea. What starts out as a chance meeting between two men turns into a heated race for priceless treasure – and the love of a remarkable woman. Thrown into each other’s path where one has absolute power and the other only his strength and his unconquerable spirit, who will survive and ...

    okładka Fortune’s Christmas, Ebook | Max Brand

    „Fortune’s Christmas” is a short story by Max Brand originally published in December 20, 1924. Brand was an American author best known for his thoughtful Westerns under the pen name Max Brand. Prolific in many genres, he wrote historical novels, detective mysteries, pulp fiction stories and many more. „Fortune’s Christmas” is a Christmas story, told from the perspective of Anthony Hazzard, a miser to end all misers. Anthony Hazzard is money lender to the desparate, a man wi...

    okładka The Gold King Turns His Back, Ebook | Max Brand

    No writer captured the excitement, humanity, or adventure of the American West better than Max Brand. And nowhere was Brand’s talent more evident than in this classic short novel. In „The Gold King turns his back”, young Miriam Standard returns to her father’s ranch determined to learn the business, but she discovers she has a lot to learn when she makes the statement that she will marry any man who can bring in Gold King, the wild mustang. „The Gold King Turns His Back” pr...

    okładka The Firebrand, Ebook | Max Brand

    „The Firebrand” is an adventurous historical romance set in 16th-century Italy. The main character is Tizzo, a master swordsman, known as „Firebrand” because of his flaming red hair and flame-blue eyes. Frederick Schiller Faust (1892-1944) was an American author known primarily for his thoughtful and literary Westerns under the pen name Max Brand. Prolific in many genres he wrote historical novels, detective mysteries, pulp fiction stories and many more. His love for mythol...

    okładka Marbleface, Ebook | Max Brand

    Marbleface is a an ex-prize fighter who becomes a fugitive after a failed robbery attempt lands him on the wrong side of the law. He’d almost been middleweight champion of the world, but then his heart went bad. So he trains himself to complete nerve control – he takes up poker as a living – he gets trapped into an escapade from which his victim’s daughter rescues him. With a bum ticker, Marbleface believes his days are numbered and sets out to reform, landing himself in th...

    okładka Donnegan, Ebook | Max Brand

    Frederick Schiller Faust penned his finest when he wrote his literary famous Westerns utilizing the pen name Max Brand. „Donnegan Gunman’s Reckoning” has a thoughtful storyline which is enough to hold your interest throughout the book. Solitary, mysterious figure Donnegan is on the run from his past. The last thing he has time for is love. But like all matters of the heart, sometimes emotions bloom when they are least convenient – as they do the first time Donnegan encounte...

    okładka Destry Rides Again, Ebook | Max Brand

    This fast-paced story is about a tough rebel named Destry who is sent to prison for years, serving time for a crime he did not commit. Once out, he aims to seek revenge on the 12 jury members who sent him to prison and voted for his incarceration. However, his mission isn’t to kill but to find other unique ways as punishment and to make their lives miserable. Neatly plotted and briskly told, it illustrates Brand’s remarkable gift for storytelling. One of the greatest wester...

    okładka Dan Barry’s Daughter, Ebook | Max Brand

    He’s an outlaw on the run. Harry Gloster is an accused murderer who, though innocent, is forced to hide. Harry is a heartbeat ahead of the posse. But neither twisted justice nor a gallows rope can stretch across the Rio Grande. Hell-bent for Mexico, Gloster meets up with Joan Daniels and she’s a dream come true. Now he’s got a choice. Kiss the sweetest thing he’s ever seen goodbye... or stay and risk a lynching. One of many recommended westerns by this prolific author. Fred...

    okładka Crossroads, Ebook | Max Brand

    It is the continuing saga of Max Brand’s finest heroine, Jack – Jacqueline Boone. Jack is blessed and cursed by the cross of Meilan when she meets Dix Van Dyck. Dix Van Dyck, is being persecuted by an evil sheriff, named Onate. Dix, perhaps too fond of action and excitement, had stayed out of trouble on the strength of his boyish charm and the verdict of „suicide” passed on those who drew their guns on him. Strangely enough, it is Jackie Boone and a beautiful Yaqui Indian g...

    okładka Fightin’ Fool, Ebook | Max Brand

    Two gunslingers known as Jingo and the Parson form a two-man army in Tower Creek to deal with the dangerous Rankin brothers in a conflict over a dishonest poker game. Wally Rankin, a gambler, is one of the players and because he is losing to Jingo, resorts to marking the cards. Jingo spots the action and accuses Wally Rankin of cheating. In the ensuing gun fight, Wally is shot in both shoulders. Subsequently, the sheriff advices Jingo that Wally’s older brother will probabl...

    okładka The Mustang Herder, Ebook | Max Brand

    Frederick Schiller Faust (May 29, 1892 – May 12, 1944) was an American author known primarily for his thoughtful and literary Westerns under the pen name Max Brand. This is one of his Western fiction. Raised on the tough streets of Old New York, Gregg could beat a man to death with his fists and use a pistol like an artist. Armed with these talents, he headed west to make his fortune, never realizing that herding mustangs was what he’d end up doing. He didn’t know a lot abo...

    okładka Claws of the Tigress, Ebook | Max Brand

    „Claws Of The Tigress” is an adventurous historical romance set in 16th-century Italy. The main character is Tizzo, a master swordsman, known as „Firebrand” because of his flaming red hair and flame-blue eyes. Max Brand (1892-1944) is the best-known pen name of widely acclaimed author Frederick Faust, creator of Destry, Dr. Kildare, and other beloved fictional characters. Prolific in many genres he wrote historical novels, detective mysteries, pulp fiction stories and many ...

    okładka His Name His Fortune, Ebook | Max Brand

    Max Brand (1892-1944) is the best-known pen name of widely acclaimed author Frederick Faust, creator of Destry, Dr. Kildare, and other beloved fictional characters. Orphaned at an early age, Faust studied at the University of California, Berkeley. He became one of the most prolific writers of our time but abandoned writing at age fifty-one to become a war correspondent in World War II, where he was killed while serving in Italy. This is one of his work. The plot is well con...

    okładka The Three Crosses, Ebook | George Owen Baxter

    No writer captured the excitement, humanity, or adventure of the American West better than Max Brand. And nowhere was Brand’s talent more evident than in this classic short novel. Prolific in many genres he wrote historical novels, detective mysteries, pulp fiction stories and many more. In „The three crosses”, a practical joke gets out of hand and turns an earnest cowboy into a hard-riding yahoo. „The Three Crosses,” an ominous prediction leads a cowpuncher to a showdown w...

    okładka The Lightning Warrior, Ebook | George Owen Baxter

    „The Lightning Warrior” is the name given to the great white wolf that is so swift in attacking its prey. A bounty is offered but no one can catch or kill the animal, that is until Cobalt arrives in the area. When Sylvia Baird, a proud woman determined not to marry Cobalt, a fierce warrior, tells him that she will consent to be his wife only if he brings her the pelt of this elusive white wolf, he succeeds much to her horror, and she must escape with the wolf at her side. M...

    okładka ”Sunset” Wins, Ebook | George Owen Baxter

    Frederick Schiller Faust (May 29, 1892 – May 12, 1944) was an American author known primarily for his thoughtful and literary Westerns. Faust wrote mostly under pen names, but today is primarily known by only one, Max Brand. Others include George Owen Baxter, George Evans, David Manning, John Frederick, Peter Morland, George Challis, and Frederick Frost. This is one of the great Western novels. The plot is well constructed with well drawn subsidiary characters and provides ...

    okładka Red Devil of the Range, Ebook | George Owen Baxter

    Seattle-born author who worked as a cowhand in California, attended Berkeley, joined then deserted the Canadian Army, and finally settled down to writing full-time. He was incredibly prolific and wrote numerous books under his birth name (Frederick Faust) and a variety of pseudonyms. Today he is best known for his work published as Max Brand. „Red Devil Of The Range” is one of his Western fiction. When young Ever Winton loses the two most important things in his life, his U...

    okładka The Hair-Trigger Kid, Ebook | George Owen Baxter

    Frederick Schiller Faust was an American author known primarily for his thoughtful and literary Westerns under the pen name Max Brand. This is one of his novels. Enter the Kid who has an eye on Milman’s daughter but also on the life of Milman who he blames for the death of his parents. He saves the Milman cattle because he cannot stand to see innocent cattle killed to make money. In doing so he saves Milman from ruin, wins the girl and forgives Milman. His trek down a narro...

    okładka Bad Man’s Gulch, Ebook | George Owen Baxter

    Max Brand, was the pen name of Frederick Schiller Faust. He was a prolific American author best known for his classic western novels. One sheriff and two deputies have already disappeared in the rough-and-tumble mining town of Slosson’s Gulch. The same fate awaits any other man who crosses the cutthroats and thieves who thrive there. Pedro Melendez is a gambler and a drifter, trying his best to put his gunslinging days behind him. But he’ll need all the sharp shooting he ca...

    okładka Le Comte de Moret, Ebook | Alexandre Dumas

    L’époque du gouvernement de Louis XIII et le cardinal Richelieu. Le machiavélique cardinal Richelieu, toujours au centre des intrigues, apprend que le comte de Moret, qui est aussi fils naturel d’Henri IV, a porté des lettres aux deux reines. Bien plus il est tombé amoureux d’Isabelle de Lautrec! Alors, évidemment le cardinal va agir pour amener toute cette eau à son moulin...

    okładka Bajki, Ebook | Jean de La Fontaine

    Najpopularniejsze bajki jednego z najsłynniejszych twórców klasycyzmu francuskiego, przedstawiające w znakomity sposób ułomności natury ludzkiej, naszą prostotę i naiwność. Napisane w eleganckim, komicznym stylu, z całym bogactwem archetypów.

    okładka Pan burmistrz z Pipidówki, Ebook | Michał Bałucki

    Doskonała satyra opisująca codzienne życie w XIX-wiecznym galicyjskim miasteczku. Autor obnażył w niej między innymi to, jak nieumiejętnie podchodzono wtedy do wywalczonej wolności. W żartobliwy sposób przedstawia też przyczyny zacofania w Galicji krakowskiej.

    okładka Koszyk kwiatów, Ebook | Christoph von Schmid

    Opowieść o Marysieńce i jej ojcu, dla których najwyższą wartością jest niewinność i cnota. Te jednak zostają wystawione na próbę, kiedy Marysieńka zostaje oskarżona o kradzież pierścienia.

Czym są ebooki?

Ebooki to książki, których treść została zapisana w formie elektronicznej. Są nazywane również e-książkami, publikacjami elektronicznymi czy książkami elektronicznymi. Ebooki można odczytywać na komputerach i laptopach, ale są one przeznaczone głównie do czytania na urządzeniach przenośnych takich jak smartfony, tablety i przede wszystkim czytniki książek elektronicznych. Ebooki posiadające swoje pierwowzory w formie papierowej są jej odwzorowaniem. Posiadają wszystkie elementy obecne w „tradycyjnej” wersji, takie jak okładkę, ilustracje, spis treści, przypisy itp.

Niepodważalną zaletą ebooków jest to, że w odróżnieniu od drukowanej książki można w nich zmieniać rodzaj oraz wielkość czcionki, formatować tekst, a w zależności od posiadanego czytnika istnieje też możliwość wyszukiwania pojedynczych słów w tekście, dodawania zakładek i robienia notatek.

Formaty ebooków

Ebooki są dostępne w wielu formatach. Najpopularniejsze z nich, będące standardem dla publikacji elektronicznych, to EPUB, MOBI i PDF.


To nowoczesny format będący standardem publikacji ebooków. Format EPUB umożliwia zmienianie wielkości fontu, co pomaga dopasować jego rozmiar do ekranu. Ebooki w tym formacie najlepiej odczytywać na urządzeniach posiadających ekran eINK (elektroniczny papier), chociaż można je odczytać także na smartfonie czy tablecie. Format EPUB jest możliwy do odczytania na komputerze, jednak do tego celu konieczne jest zainstalowanie właściwego oprogramowania.


Jest formatem ebooków wykorzystywanym przez czytniki firmy Amazon – Kindle (oraz na innych urządzeniach i programach dostępnych na rynku). Publikacje MOBI są zapisane w formacie Mobipocket, można więc pobrać je na dowolny sprzęt elektroniczny posiadający oprogramowanie umożliwiające odczytanie plików MOBI. Format ten jest oparty na języku HTML, dlatego jego wyświetlanie jest możliwe na urządzeniach mobilnych.


To format zapewniający taki sam wygląd strony jak w wersji papierowej – w tym formacie podział na strony jest sztywny. PDF służy do długoterminowego archiwizowania elektronicznych danych i może być odczytywany na większości komputerów, laptopów, smartfonów, czytników czy tabletów.