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    okładka Les Trois Yeux, Ebook | Maurice Leblanc

    ‘‘Ce fut lui, le premier, qui vit la première lueur. Un cri lui échappa, tandis que ses deux mains s’agitaient frénétiquement en l’air. Et, presque aussitôt, comme des étincelles qui crépitent de tous les côtés, d’autres cris s’éparpillèrent dans le silence, qui se reforma instantanément, plus lourd et plus épais.’’ L’extraordinaire énigme des trois yeux. Voulez-vous savoir les réponses?

    okładka Le Prince de Jéricho, Ebook | Maurice Leblanc

    Jéricho est un forban mystérieux et controversé. La rumeur rapporte en même temps de les actes les plus terribles et les attitudes les plus nobles. Nathalie Manolsen est une jeune et riche héritière. Forville et le docteur Chapereau sont les amis de son défunt père. Quelle est la connexion entre ces personnages? Pensé à l’origine comme une aventure d’Arsène Lupin, ce roman policier est riche en intrigues.

    okładka Une femme, Ebook | Maurice Leblanc

    «Une femme» n’est pas comme les autres romans de Maurice Leblanc. Il n’y a pas des meutres, d’énigmes, des voleurs et des affaires. Cette une histoire simple, qui raconte du mariage bourgeois au début du siècle dernier. Celle de Lucie qui est mariée à Robert Chalmin. Elle découvre en même temps les joies et les affres de la vie avec lui. C’est le livre, qui fait quelque bruit à sa sortie, le livre de la jeunesse de Maurice Leblanc.

    okładka Robbers’ Roost, Ebook | Zane Grey

    A classic story of imperiled love on the western frontiers of nineteenth-century America. Jim Tex Wall is searching for three men who killed his wife and stole his horses and finds them working for a gang of cattle rustlers engaged in a turf war with a rival gang of outlaws. Finding his horses he joins the gang that are now riding them. Caught in the battle between the gangs when one double-crosses the other, he now finds the man he is looking for. „Robbers’ Roost” tells th...

    okładka Riders of the Purple Sage, Ebook | Zane Grey

    „Riders of the Purple Sage” is Zane Grey’s best-known novel. Originally published in 1912, it was one of the earliest works of Western fiction and played a significant role in popularizing that genre. The story uses a third person narrator to tell the story from the point of view of two main characters Bern Venter and Jane Withersteen and a few minor characters. Jane Withersteen, Mormon-born Utah native, goes against her church when she befriends a young Gentile rider, Vent...

    okładka Sunset Pass, Ebook | Zane Grey

    When the train pulls into Wagontongue, the reader becomes Trueman Rock, returning to town after killing a man six years earlier. Now he returns to find trouble again, but this time his trouble is caused by love. Rock has fallen in love with Ash Preston’s woman, Thiry, and no man in the valley will let him get away with this. But Rock has faced harder men for lesser prizes, and he is willing to pay any price to win Thiry’s love. As with Romeo and Juliet, this undying love is...

    okładka The Border Legion, Ebook | Zane Grey

    Only the love of the young Miss Joan Randle can melt the cold heart of Jack Kells, ruthless leader of a gang of desperados terrorizing the American borderlands. His cold eyes filled her with fear, but her goodness made something happen deep within him. Kells had a price on his head and on his heels. Now loving this woman could cost him his life...or it could make him a hero in this wild, dangerous land. There are classic Western elements: likable outlaws, the wild frontier,...

    okładka Nevada, Ebook | Zane Grey

    First published in 1926 and 1927, „Nevada”, the suspenseful sequel to „Forlorn River”, continues to be one of Zane Grey’s most beloved novels. Four years after Nevada had killed three men to clear his friend’s name, Ben and Nevada are reunited, but fate again plays a mean trick, and Nevada becomes Jim Lacy again – killer, thief, rustler, and notorious gunman – in order to save Ben from financial ruin. In Nevada, another romantic couple comes along, Marvie Blaine, and the da...

    okładka The Desert of Wheat, Ebook | Zane Grey

    Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a German in America and Canada during World War 1? Young farmer Kurt Dorn is torn between going to France to fight the Germans or staying in America to be with the woman he loves and to protect his wheat crop against saboteurs who question his loyalties. He struggles to come to terms with his deepest beliefs and his place in the world. A passionate novel of patriotic and anti-union propaganda, it portrays the anxieties of t...

    okładka Raiders of Spanish Peaks, Ebook | Zane Grey

    Laramie Nelson and partners Lonesome Mulhall and Ted „Tracks” Williams work their way out to eastern Colorado to Spanish Peaks Ranch. There they meet a family from Ohio that has come west to start a new life and hopefully allow the husband and father to get well in the high and dryer climate. They purchase a ranch and then are in the process of loosing everything. As they soon find out, though, this deserted fort is equally suited for both protection and imprisonment. In fa...

    okładka The Call of the Canyon, Ebook | Zane Grey

    From the master of the western novel comes a tale full of romance and adventure. This is the story of Carley Burch, a young wealthy socialite living in New York City. As the story begins soldiers are coming home from the trenches of WWI, many of them damaged physically and emotionally. Among them is Carley’s fiancé, Glenn Kilbourne. He goes West to find his health and himself, with the idea that he’ll return when all is well. They correspond until she eventually heads West ...

    okładka Majesty’s Rancho, Ebook | Zane Grey

    „Majesty’s Rancho” is the sequel to „The Light of Western Stars”, both by Zane Grey. Here we meet the next generation at the ranch. It is wild with college age fun and a mix of gangsters meeting the old west. After Lance Sidway comes to the defense of beautiful Madge Stewart and ends up on the wrong side of the law, he escapes to Arizona and finds work on her father’s ranch. Fate certainly seems to want these two together! However, gangsters are rustling cattle from Stewart...

    okładka The Day of the Beast, Ebook | Zane Grey

    „The Day of the Beast” is the story of Daren Lane and hundreds of thousands like him in the years immediately after the conclusion of WWI, disabled soldiers returning home to an America that simply didn’t want to be reminded of what just took place. His fiancée has forgotten him, his job has been filled, and his poor health is failing quickly. But Lane is not one to be kept down, and with the true love of a strong woman, Lane will overcome every tragedy. It is set in Middle...

    okładka Le Formidable Événement, Ebook | Maurice Leblanc

    Roman de Maurice Leblanc (le père de célèbre Arsène Lupin), dans lequel l’aventure le dispute à l’inventivité et à la justesse de vue. Simon Dubosc désespère d’obtenir la main d’Isabel, qui est la fille du Lord Bakefield, descendant direct d’un compagnon de Guillaume le Conquérant. Et puis il n’ y a pas plus d’autres choix pour lui que de s’échapper avec Isabel, parce qu’il accepte le défi fou. Mais, qui sait, peut être le destin aide Simon d’accomplir sa mission, sous la f...

    okładka Dorothée, danseuse de corde, Ebook | Maurice Leblanc

    Maurice Leblanc, père d’Arsène Lupin, raconte nous les mystérieuses et extraordinaires histoires. Cette fois l’action se déroule autour de formidable héritage et des quelques familles. Une chasse au trésor fabuleux, une mort (ou un meurtre?) mystérieux, les secrets interminables... Et bien sûr, il y a un peu d’amour dans ce roman. Ce livre est vraiment à part dans l’univers de l’auteur et réellement attachant.

    okładka Forlorn River, Ebook | Zane Grey

    In „Forlorn River”, young Ben Ide is cast out by his rich dad, branded a wild horse hunter and possible rustler. Ide befriends a wounded man, whom he nicknames „Nevada.” Ide does the same for „Modoc,” an Indian he pulls out of a saloon. All three men form bonds of loyalty in their isolated state as they hunt wild horses in the California wilderness. Then the love of Ben’s youth returns after being away at college and an evil man has become his fathers partner and has spread...

    okładka Knights of the Range, Ebook | Zane Grey

    A true legend, Zane Grey has thrilled a generation of readers with his great stories of the American West. Holly Ripple, a young, headstrong woman, brought up in the upscale boarding schools of the east, has inherited her family’s cattle ranch in 1870s New Mexico, after the sudden death of her father. With the help of the ranch foreman and Renn Frayne, a newly hired hand; a outlaw seeking redemption, they organize a assorted group of cowboys to protect the herd, and the saf...

    okładka Desert Gold, Ebook | Zane Grey

    Which is the true treasure, love or money? Prospecting in an Arizona border town, Richard Gale sees the possibilities of passion and gold when he finds himself trying to save a beautiful Spanish heiress. Love, adventure, and more wait in the Old West of Zane Grey’s western classic „Desert Gold”. When Richard Gale arrives in the border country of Arizona, he hopes for a brand new start. He soon finds himself embroiled in local trouble, however, when he and an old friend – a ...

    okładka Lost Pueblo, Ebook | Zane Grey

    Zane Grey is unrivalled in his mastery of the western scene... this is a charming and vintage story. Rich easterner Janey Endicott comes to Arizona with her father, where she is bored until she meets archeologist Phillip Randolph, who is investigating ancient Indian pueblos in the midst of the West’s wild culture. The distinct differences of personalities – she free and easy and wild, and he, quiet, reserved, „old fashioned” – is cause for quite interesting circumstances to...

    okładka Arizona Ames, Ebook | Zane Grey

    This late-period Zane Grey is one of the best of his novels. Rich Ames didn’t set out to be a gunslinger – it was forced on him. After the bad guys try to „ruin” his twin sister Nesta, Ames grabs his pistols and the bloody gunfight follows. Unfortunately, his criminal actions forces him to flee from his beloved Nesta and his happy Tonto Rim home, pursued by the law and vengeful family members. Rich soon acquired the name „Arizona Ames” and for years after that fateful day h...

    okładka Le Chapelet rouge, Ebook | Maurice Leblanc

    Roman policier de Maurice Leblanc, qui n’est pas écrit en style d’histoires d’Arsène Lupin. La fiction nous raconte de le comte Jean d’Orsacq, la comtesse Lucienne et leurs amis, qui sont invités à participer à une semaine de chasse dans un château. L’intrigue s’installe comme un casse-tête. Qui rôde dans le parc? Qui s’est introduit, la nuit, dans les appartements? Qui a ouvert le coffre-fort? Un voleur? Un crime est commis! Quelqu’un est retrouvé assassiné......

    okładka La Vie extravagante de Balthazar, Ebook | Maurice Leblanc

    Extravagante c’est le moins qu’on peut dire! C’est l’histoire des contrastes! Un jeune homme, sans père et sans argent, qui professe la philosophie d’acceptation inconditionnelle du quotidien, tombe amoureaux avec une jeune bourgeoise, Yolande, mais il obtient un refus. Et puis il devient complètement un autre personne avec une autre vie. La ligne est plein de nombreuses aventures rocambolesques, des voyages, des découvertes folles, abracadabrantes parfois, mais toujours dr...

    okładka La Frontière, Ebook | Maurice Leblanc

    Seul l’auteur d’Arsène Lupin savait d’écrire l’histoire si saturée et mystèrieuse. La frontière entre l’Allemand et la France est plein de suspens et de rebondissements et malheureusement cela est une source de nombreux conflits. Philippe rentre apres de vacances chez Morestal a la frontiere. Un père et son fils ne sont pas prêtes d’un évènement tragique qui survient sur la frontière. Alors, êtes vous prêtes?

    okładka De minuit à sept heures, Ebook | Maurice Leblanc

    Une atmosphère intrigante de l’histoire, qui se déroule pendant le plus mystique temps de la nuit. Gérard – le héros très habile, charmant et aventurier, Baratof – le rival russe, qui est très riche, la concurrence pour la jeune femme, belle et séduisante... Est-ce que une jeune fille peut perdre son honneur et sa respectabilité? Qu’est-ce que Maurice Leblanc nous offre dans ce roman?

Czym są ebooki?

Ebooki to książki, których treść została zapisana w formie elektronicznej. Są nazywane również e-książkami, publikacjami elektronicznymi czy książkami elektronicznymi. Ebooki można odczytywać na komputerach i laptopach, ale są one przeznaczone głównie do czytania na urządzeniach przenośnych takich jak smartfony, tablety i przede wszystkim czytniki książek elektronicznych. Ebooki posiadające swoje pierwowzory w formie papierowej są jej odwzorowaniem. Posiadają wszystkie elementy obecne w „tradycyjnej” wersji, takie jak okładkę, ilustracje, spis treści, przypisy itp.

Niepodważalną zaletą ebooków jest to, że w odróżnieniu od drukowanej książki można w nich zmieniać rodzaj oraz wielkość czcionki, formatować tekst, a w zależności od posiadanego czytnika istnieje też możliwość wyszukiwania pojedynczych słów w tekście, dodawania zakładek i robienia notatek.

Formaty ebooków

Ebooki są dostępne w wielu formatach. Najpopularniejsze z nich, będące standardem dla publikacji elektronicznych, to EPUB, MOBI i PDF.


To nowoczesny format będący standardem publikacji ebooków. Format EPUB umożliwia zmienianie wielkości fontu, co pomaga dopasować jego rozmiar do ekranu. Ebooki w tym formacie najlepiej odczytywać na urządzeniach posiadających ekran eINK (elektroniczny papier), chociaż można je odczytać także na smartfonie czy tablecie. Format EPUB jest możliwy do odczytania na komputerze, jednak do tego celu konieczne jest zainstalowanie właściwego oprogramowania.


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