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    okładka The D’Arblay Mystery, Ebook | R. Austin Freeman

    In this novel, Dr. Thorndyke builds a card house of wild speculations to solve a perplexing murder case, astonishing all observers, including the police. The victim is Julius D ’Arblay, an artist highly skilled at the rare French art of making wax-work figures and portrait masks. D’Arblay has a beautiful daughter, which leads to a romance with a young Dr. Grey who discovers the father’s body and brings the case to Dr. Thorndyke’s attention. Before the end of the story, the ...

    okładka The Mystery of 31 New Inn, Ebook | R. Austin Freeman

    Second in the Dr. Thorndyke mystery series set in London around 1900. Thorndyke is a lawyer and medical doctor who reasons out mysteries. This involves a young doctor friend who Thorndyke hires as his assistant whose strange case involving a mysteries man and couple who are caring for him and an inheritance case brought to Thorndyke. A classic English mystery with the detective, Dr. Thorndyke, solving what appears to be two disparate mysteries. One is an apparent suicide wi...

    okładka A Certain Dr. Thorndyke, Ebook | R. Austin Freeman

    John Osborne is a young gentleman who has left England for some, as of yet, unknown reason. He settles in Adaffia, an ends-of-the-earth type of town on the Gold Coast. Almost immediately he gets into a fight defending the only other white man in town, a drunken trader. And we see that Osborne is a tremendous fighter skilled at ju-jitsu, boxing, wrestling and strategy. These skills will come into play again and again, in a mutiny, a rebellion and other struggles with formida...

    okładka As a Thief in the Night, Ebook | R. Austin Freeman

    R. Austin Freeman was one of the best mystery writers ever and this book is one to prove it. Harold Monkhouse is a very sick man but no one including his doctor seems to know what is wrong with him. When he is found dead of arsenic poisoning, his brother demands an investigation and everyone in the household is a suspect. Who was behind this cruel death; the loving wife, Barbara; her friend, Madeline or Wallingford, the rather eccentric secretary? They all inherit something...

    okładka The Shadow Out of Time, Ebook | H. P. Lovecraft

    A novel told in first person by a human abducted mind,describing the world of the ancient alien strange civilization,a world of amazing colossal partial underground costructions that persisted buried for eons. The Shadow Out of Time is the story of Professor of Economics Nathaniel Wingate Peaslee who faints one day in the middle of a lecture and regains consciousness five years later only to find that he–or some entity inhabiting his body–has been pursuing eccentric researc...

    okładka The Dunwich Horror, Ebook | H. P. Lovecraft

    Master of horror writes a story of true forces of evil. There are six short stories that comprise this edition of The Dunwich Horror. The story beats a lot of modern writers in prose, characters and plot. The story started of well and gave us a spooky small village setting with the odd family of a Grandfather, deformed Albino mother and inhuman grandson and the strange events surrounding his birth and precocious development. Wilbur matures at an abnormal rate, reaching manh...

    okładka Krumir, Ebook | Karol May

    „Krumir” to cykl opowiadań przygodowych, które rozgrywają się w Afryce Północnej na pograniczu algiersko-tunezyjskim. Czytelnicy mogą obserwować współistnienie kultury chrześcijańskiej oraz islamu, a także podziwiać pięknie wykreowane, bajeczne afrykańskie krajobrazy: pustyni, puszczy, rozrzuconych wśród pustkowi ludzkich osad...

    okładka The Thing on the Doorstep, Ebook | H. P. Lovecraft

    The Thing on the Doorstep is a short story written by H.P. Lovecraft, part of the Cthulhu Mythos universe of horror fiction. Daniel Upton, the story’s narrator, begins by telling that he has killed his best friend, Edward Derby, and that he hopes his account will prove that he is not a murderer. He begins by describing Derby’s life and career. Daniel Upton’s relationship with his friend Edward Derby is abruptly changed after Edward becomes romantically involved with Asenath...

    okładka The Shadow over Innsmouth, Ebook | H. P. Lovecraft

    „The Shadow Over Innsmouth” follows a nameless narrator touring New England for information on his family, and studying the local architecture. The story describes a man who finds himself stranded in a half-deserted town with strange inhabitants. They look human – mostly, but there is something odd about their eyes and their behavior. He meets the town drunk, Zadok Allen, who tells him the terrifying history of the town, about Devil Reef and mutant humanoids, sea gods, gold...

    okładka Die schönsten Weihnachtslieder, Ebook | Adam Wolański

    Diese Sammlung der 25 beliebtesten Weihnachtslieder soll vor allem dem Gesang in den Familien dienen. In diesem Buch sind die besinnlichsten deutschsprachigen Weihnachtslieder versammelt: von „Alle Jahre wieder” über „Leise rieselt der Schnee” und „O Tannenbaum” bis hin zu „Stille Nacht! Heilige Nacht! „.

    okładka Pamiętniki, Ebook | Jan Chryzostom Pasek

    „Pamiętniki” Jana Chryzostoma Paska to zbiór wspomnień spisanych pod koniec życia przez polskiego szlachcica. Pierwsza część barwnie opisuje wojenne doświadczenia autora – wojnę ze Szwecją, Siedmiogrodem, Moskwą oraz wyprawę wojskową do Danii. Pełno tam ciekawych spostrzeżeń, odkrywających światopogląd Sarmaty i jego ocenę innych kultur. Druga część opisuje sarmackie życie ziemiańskie. Wszystko podane soczyście, z humorem i werwą.

    okładka Transakcja wojny chocimskiej, Ebook | Wacław Potocki

    Epos Wacława Potockiego powstał na bazie dziennika Jakuba Sobieskiego i opiewa doniosłe polskie zwycięstwo nad Turkami odniesione pod Chocimiem w 1621 roku. Autor nadał zapiskom ojca króla Jana III formę wierszowaną i uzupełnił je własnymi komentarzami. Dążył do pokrzepienia polskich serc i gloryfikacji heroicznej przeszłości, ale nie stronił też od krytyki ustroju Rzeczpospolitej magnackiej.

    okładka The Case of Charles Dexter Ward, Ebook | H. P. Lovecraft

    Despite being a horror story about necromancers, mutated creatures and summoning rituals, The Case of Dexter Ward is at its heart a cautionary tale about knowledge. As the story progresses, the full extent of Charles Dexter Ward’s madness is slowly revealed until the evil of the past seems ready to burst into the present with horrific consequences. Charles Dexter Ward is the scion of a well established Providence family who begins investigating esoteric matters and discover...

    okładka At the Mountains of Madness, Ebook | H. P. Lovecraft

    Lovecraft has proven that he is a master of descriptive writing that creates a sense of mystery, atmosphere, and dismay. On an expedition to Antarctica, Professor William Dyer and his colleagues discover the remains of ancient half-vegetable, half-animal life-forms. The extremely early date in the geological strata is surprising because of the highly-evolved features found in these previously unknown life-forms. Through a series of dark revelations, violent episodes, and mi...

    okładka The Sea-Wolf, Ebook | Jack London

    The Sea-Wolf is Jack London’s journey deep into the heart of darkness and madness that each person carries within themselves. It is the story of a Danish youth named Humphrey „Hump” van Weyden and his struggles against the sea, as well as his own inner demons. Humphrey Van Weyden is a gentleman, and academic, who has lived a soft life among civilized, like-minded people. He is on a steemer to visit a friend. On this trip, a fog settles and the ship gets struck and sinks. Mr...

    okładka The Wisdom of Father Brown, Ebook | Chesterton G.K.

    In Chesterton’s second Father Brown book, „The Wisdom of Father Brown,” we get a series of bizarre, sometimes dangerous mysteries that Father Brown must puzzle out. Some of the crimes are simple once Brown explains them, but others are devious, chilling things that are wrapped in Chesterton’s poetic prose. In the stories that follow, the priest investigates many other mysteries: a sinister voodoo cult, a nobleman with a deformed ear, a gang of Italian thieves, a lie-detecto...

    okładka The Scandal of Father Brown, Ebook | Chesterton G.K.

    Chesterton again allows us to accompany Father Brown, preternaturally-unbiased master of human nature, as he stumbles across another series of murders and mysteries. These stories in this series are not as compact as those in other books, notably „The Innocence of Father Brown,” but they have the same magnetic power to draw the reader in. As ever, Chesterton is interested not only in delivering first rate detective stories, but of describing human nature. His characters are...

    okładka White Fang, Ebook | Jack London

    The main conflict of the story is dog-nature vs. wolf-nature, or nature vs. man. What happens to White fang, and how he goes through the many troubles that he has to. Growing up in the Yukon territory of Canada during the Klondike Gold Rush, he learned the law of the Wild at an early age: kill, or be killed, eat, or be eaten. Separated from his mother and traded from master to master, White Fang never grasped the concept of love, and violence was all that he knew. Having no...

    okładka The Whisperer in Darkness, Ebook | H. P. Lovecraft

    The Whisperer in Darkness brings together the original Cthulhu Mythos stories of the legendary horror writer H.P. Lovecraft. An Arkham university professor is contacted by a farmer living in a remote part of Vermont, who claims to have evidence of aliens living in the hills and mining a mysterious metal. When local newspapers report strange things seen floating in rivers during a historic Vermont flood, Wilmarth becomes embroiled in a controversy about the reality and signi...

    okładka The Napoleon of Notting Hill, Ebook | Chesterton G.K.

    Meet Auberon Quin. He is a man to whom the world is a punchline; a dangerous man, for he cares for nothing but a joke. And meet Adam Wayne – to whom the joke is quite serious. When Quin is appointed King of England, he decides to turn London into a medieval carnival for his own amusement. When Adam Wayne is appointed Provost of Notting Hill, he proposes to be patriotic about it and takes the new order of things seriously, organizing a Notting Hill army to fight invaders fro...

    okładka The Man Who Was Thursday, Ebook | Chesterton G.K.

    The Man Who Was Thursday: A Nightmare was written by G.K. Chesterton and published in 1908. Ostensibly about a secret policeman investigating anarchists, it becomes a surreal and philosophical novel. It is a metaphysical thriller, and a detective story filled with poetry and politics. Gabriel Syme is a poet and a police detective. Lucian Gregory is a poet and a bomb-throwing anarchist. Syme infiltrates a secret meeting of anarchists and becomes ’Thursday’, one of the seven ...

    okładka The Innocence of Father Brown, Ebook | Chesterton G.K.

    Father Brown is one of the Hound’s greatest crime fighters and his creator, Chesterton, one of the masters of the short crime story. Father Brown is the second among the Great literary detectives, right after Sherlock Holmes. In some ways, Father Brown was a continuation of what Chesterton wrote in his classic Orthodoxy.The Innocence of Father Brown (1911) is the first of five collections of mystery stories by G. K. Chesterton starring an unimposing but surprisingly capable...

    okładka The Secret of Father Brown, Ebook | Chesterton G.K.

    Have you wondered how the great detectives solved their cases? In The Secret of Father Brown, while visiting Flambeau’s house Father Brown meets a curious American who has to know as some of his countrymen think Father Brown is using mystical powers. The fourth of the Father Brown detective story collections has something the first three did not: a framing sequence at the beginning and end, in which Father Brown explains to a curious person his method for solving crimes – h...

    okładka The Iron Heel, Ebook | Jack London

    The Iron Heel is a distopian utopian socialist novel, told in first person by someone that have read the manuscript finded in a oak, hidden 600 years ago that tolds the life and adventures of a socialist activist Avis Everhard and her husband Ernst Everhard executed in 1932. The Iron Heel is a story with stories within’s about a past, a present, and a future...all told from the perspective of a man (Jack London) in by current readers almost 100 year...

Czym są ebooki?

Ebooki to książki, których treść została zapisana w formie elektronicznej. Są nazywane również e-książkami, publikacjami elektronicznymi czy książkami elektronicznymi. Ebooki można odczytywać na komputerach i laptopach, ale są one przeznaczone głównie do czytania na urządzeniach przenośnych takich jak smartfony, tablety i przede wszystkim czytniki książek elektronicznych. Ebooki posiadające swoje pierwowzory w formie papierowej są jej odwzorowaniem. Posiadają wszystkie elementy obecne w „tradycyjnej” wersji, takie jak okładkę, ilustracje, spis treści, przypisy itp.

Niepodważalną zaletą ebooków jest to, że w odróżnieniu od drukowanej książki można w nich zmieniać rodzaj oraz wielkość czcionki, formatować tekst, a w zależności od posiadanego czytnika istnieje też możliwość wyszukiwania pojedynczych słów w tekście, dodawania zakładek i robienia notatek.

Formaty ebooków

Ebooki są dostępne w wielu formatach. Najpopularniejsze z nich, będące standardem dla publikacji elektronicznych, to EPUB, MOBI i PDF.


To nowoczesny format będący standardem publikacji ebooków. Format EPUB umożliwia zmienianie wielkości fontu, co pomaga dopasować jego rozmiar do ekranu. Ebooki w tym formacie najlepiej odczytywać na urządzeniach posiadających ekran eINK (elektroniczny papier), chociaż można je odczytać także na smartfonie czy tablecie. Format EPUB jest możliwy do odczytania na komputerze, jednak do tego celu konieczne jest zainstalowanie właściwego oprogramowania.


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